How to Apply

FWH posts Requests for Applications (RFAs) on an annual basis, focusing on the most overlooked and underfunded areas of women's health research. See below for active RFAs, and click here to apply or learn more.


Am I eligible to apply for a grant award if I am at a research institution outside the United States?

Unfortunately we cannot award grants to institutions outside the United States at this time.

Can I apply for a grant award if I am not an American citizen?

Yes, you are eligible for a grant award if you are not an American citizen so long as you are conducting your research at an American institution. 

Will you fund other areas of research in the future or do your areas of funding remain the same?

Each year our Medical Advisory Board assesses the funding landscape of women's health research across the entire continuum of the female life cycle to understand which areas remain the most underfunded in the private and public sector, and also levy the largest burden on women. Those areas are the ones that we prioritize for funding opportunities, and those will change from year to year as we build the body of rigorous research for women's health and as funding priorities change in both the private and public sectors.